Why I’ve decided to Try Green Coffee Bean Extract


Green coffee beans anyone?


Here’s what I think, I am willing to try anything to help me lose weight that does not include career sabotage – I need to pay rent.  Green coffee bean extract sounds like a good call.  I’ve taken non-pharmaceutical natural Chinese meds before and they seem to work.  And besides, at the end of the day, I’d rather have said “oh, well” rather than “what if”.


Two jobs a liter of coffee and my obsession with body fats


I feel doomed to the desk, and the only calisthenics I am allowed to do is with my fingers as I tap on the keyboard and my elbow joints as I move the mouse over a five by seven inch area. I have never been so inactive in my entire life. Glued to a chair in an office that is always kept below 22 degrees (because of some reason I am not at liberty to disclose) for 15 hours and the rest of my day is reserved for sleeping.  You’d think that a person’s Gluteus Maximus would gain muscle after carrying upper body weight for hours on end but that is not happening.  So really, what can a person like me do to lose the extra pounds?

Did I hear diet? Been there, done that – from the South Beach diet, Atkins to just downright veggies in a tall glass. I always end up hungry at the end of the day and lose about 5 pounds and then stop losing altogether.  Now, my normal non-diet food intake is three square meals of home cooked meal with a fruit for dessert. I do not have snacks but I love simple carbs, which is probably my downfall.  My coffee comes with non-dairy cream and table sugar – two to four times a day, depending on my stress level.

Which brings me to this theory, I need to look outside the weight loss equation box (burn as much as you eat) and look for other means to lose the weight because ultimately, I do not have the energy to do extensive weekend workouts to lose the weight I gained during the week. I need a support mechanism. Which brings me to the green coffee bean extract supplement and its ability inhibit the release of sugars into the body.


Green Coffee Bean Extract Is My New Best Friend


If what I have researched is right, the chlorogenic acid in the green coffee bean extract may help my body maintain the weight I lose during my weekend workout.  My lack of inactivity during the week will not be a problem because I am able to eat until I am full without worrying about gaining extra pounds because the sugars in the food will not be absorbed and stored. Makes sense to me, so I’ll check in after a number of weeks – 22 weeks to be exact!

Here are some of the write ups I have read:

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